Keep your business account and all your finance needs safely organized under one roof. Manage money quickly, easily & efficiently. Whether you’re alone or leading a team.
Trusted by thousand companies in the world
Mission + Values
Finto is on a mission to make selling digital products easy-peasy. We know first-hand the challenges of selling digital goods globally and are here to shake that up for the better.
Our Mission
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Our Values
Tortor pulvinar vestibulum eget aliquet penatibus interdum pellentesque. Diam ultrices in risus ac nunc imperdiet ultricies. Viverra est nunc condimentum aliquam pharetra ac. Aenean sit hendrerit aliquam sapien proin. Nam duis porta a vel commodo proin posuere. Curabitur cursus aenean sodales
Meet The Finto Team
Optimized checkout suite delivers a frictionless customer experience. Increase revenue and save thousands of engineering hours with prebuilt payment
John Jonas
CEO & Co-Founder
Vestibulum eget aliquet penatibus interdum pellentesque. Diam ultrices in risus ac nunc imperdiet ultricies. Viverra est nunc condimentum